Monday, June 25, 2012

Curl Curl Ocean Pool

Monday, May 28th

7:00am- Wake Up
7:15am- Make scrambled eggs and bacon for kids
            -Clean kitchen and dishes
            -sweep and tidy living room
            -Help Stef get ready for school
            -Pack lunches
            -Send Mark off to the bus
            -Help Stef clean room
8:40am-Drive Stef to school
9:00am-Sheets in the wash
9:30am-Work on blog
11:00am-go to Curl Curl
11:30am-Swim laps in ocean pool
2:00pm- Shower, change, rinse wet suit
3:00pm- Pick up Stef
3:15pm- Make kids snacks, go through backpacks, help with homework
4:15pm- Leave for swimming
4:30pm-Swimming Lessons
5:30pm- Cook Dinner: Pork Tenderloins with sautéed mushrooms and onions with a side of mashed potatoes and corn
6:30pm-Wash dishes, clean kitchen, talk with Emila
7:30pm- help with homework, read with Stef
8:00pm- iron clothes, Blog, Facebook, quiet time

Best part of the day- Swimming laps in the ocean pool! SOOO cool. I forgot how much I love it.  I haven’t been in awhile to Curl Curl because it’s autumn here now.  But today was a little warmer, so I thought I’d slip on my wet suit and grin and bear it.  When I tip- toed into the water, a chill went up my spine.  It was much colder than I anticipated.  However, I remembered Granny swimming in the cold water well into winter back home and simply saying it was “fresh”, so with her as my inspiration, I plunged in. 

I swam laps in the ocean pool with my snorkel and mask so I wouldn’t have to worry about taking breaths, and instead was able to enjoy the aquatic life below me. 
The fish were very lively today.  The shells seemed even more bright and diverse.  I have a fancy snorkel that allows you to dive down into the water without letting any water come in, so you can start breathing right away when you surface.  This proved useful when several waves came crashing over the barrier on top of me.  I was a little frightened at first, of their sheer magnitude.  It’s critical to stay closer to the reef in the pool and further away from the wall, so when the wave comes in, you don’t get smashed against the wall.  It makes swimming laps much more interesting, that’s for sure.  But I had my trusty snorkel on so I could breath fine, even when the waves came pounding down.  Eventually, due to the chill, I couldn’t feel my fingers or toes.  So I decided to call it a day and made my way back to my free parking space, just 20 minutes walking distance. Free is free. 

Whenever I swim, snorkel or dive, I always make up my own soundtrack in my head of what I’m experiencing.  I wish I could make those songs come to life, or hear them for real while I’m exploring the world under the surface.  It truly is incredible. 
If I could listen to my ipod while swimming, I would listen to the Avatar soundtrack.  And that gives me a thought-  someone should make underwater ipods.  I would invest. Swimming laps to a beat or favorite song would be awesome. Just an idea. 

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